Thursday, April 11, 2013

Helmet Parade and Holidays

It's just about time for me to get on a van, where I'll be for the next 12 hours, headed to Chiang Mai, but I quickly wanted to recap the week, and say hello and goodbye before I left.

Needless to say I was very sad to see Sheena and Tiffany go... our diversity level went down a few notches, not to mention that they were amazing awesome ladies, and I am now stuck with a bunch of dudes :) haha just kidding. I, and we all, have been managing well in their absence.  It has lead us to switch roles a bit, and I am focusing a bit more on going over reading with the kids, allowing James to take on more of a teaching role.

Teaching has become a bit easier for me and I really enjoy reading with the kids, as now I know them a bit better and know how they like to learn.  While there are some challenges, at the end of the day they're cute kids and since the program is totally free they're here because they really want to be, which is pretty cool.

In addition, this week has been very eventful and special for me. Yesterday I went campaigning all day for motorbike and scooter helmet safety. While the event in Nong Khai was a bit for show, we still got to meet and take photos with the governor here.  After this, I was lucky enough to have to opportunity to go with my bosses to Udon Thani, a larger town near by.  We knew the theme was helmet safety as well, but we didn't know really what to expect.  My role was initially to look pretty, and this was all I knew.  Mind you this is no small feat in 105 degree weather, sweating like a pig!

When we arrived in Udon, we were informed that we would be participating in a parade, and that we had to stand on a parade float shouting safety rules and recommendations to Thais and Falangs alike, especially because of the holiday weekend coming up. Although my boss Kirk was meant to be the only one on the float, me and my other boss Ming chased the parade down and hopped on as well.  Whenever we saw a white man in the street, I would get on the mic with Kirk and shout "Hey Falang! Wear your helmet this Songkran weekend! and remember don't drive drunk!"  Eventually I learned how to say it in Thai, and I got to scold a few Thai people we rode by who were not wearing helmets.

It was certainly a more memorable day that I've had this year, and a wonderful and lucky experience to have had.  It was nice to change it up, and to be working all day rather than just in the afternoon as we normally do for classes.

I think that is all for now... Songkran has started early this year, and I've already seen cars dripping with water and soaked with some power like substance.  I have packed basically all my stuff for Chiang Mai in a plastic bag, and I've just a few more helmets to hand out on the street before James and I head off to meet Sheena and Tiffany.  I don't really think I have to mention how amazing being drenched with water all weekend will feel in this heat... but more than that I hear there's plenty of cool things to do in Chiang Mai.. and I can't wait to share it all with you when I return. The bus company keeps pushing the return trip back, since this holiday has no real fixed dates, but I hope to be back in Nong Khai in about a week! Wish me luck in the van!

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