Monday, November 12, 2012

Quito Conference and Update

It is certainly time for an update!

After I got back from Santiago de Chile, I continued on with my work here in BsAs and with the usual routine, and forged away full force with some grad school applications.  Last Tuesday, I accompanied some young professionals from the US, as well as other JDC JSC fellows to the 12th GA of Jewish Organizations and Leaders of Latin America and the Caribbean in Quito, Ecuador.

The experience itself was incredibly interesting.  The program consisted of four days, with one or two plenaries each day, and one or two blocks a day for participants to go to various panels on different topics.  Since my focus is on NGOs as a whole, I went to panels that dealt with big picture topics such as the difficulties in starting dialogs with governments, fundraising strategies, refugees, and new IT strategies. There were about 500 participants in total, but I was with an American group of about 10 of which I believe I was the youngest.  Not only was it interesting to hear the different topics, but as this was my first conference it was a very unique experience in my life, especially since everything was in Spanish.  I was able to do a little sightseeing as well, and managed to do a few things that I wasn't able to when I was in Quito 2 years ago. I now, interestingly, have a very different outlook on technology from this conference, and I also had a fantastic time getting to know Jews from all over Latin America and the Caribbean, including places like Cuba and Venezuela.  It was certainly a cool way to see how a minority group in the region functions as a collective body, and within their own countries, in combating various challenges that face them.

In addition to being in Quito, I have some great news to share.  While I was at the conference I received  an email from the JDC office in NYC that I was accepted to do another multi-week JSC fellowship, this time in Ethiopia!!  I am, as I said before, superstitious about sharing big life updates, but if all goes according to plan, I will be going to Ethiopia in late December for about two months, and will continue on to my next stint in Thailand, returning home to NYC in early June. I am as yet unsure of the details, but will certainly share them with you as they develop. This means that while I sadly only have a week and a few days left here in Buenos Aires, I will get to be back in New York for about a month, getting to enjoy Thanksgiving with my family, before purchasing an around the world ticket to continue on with my travels.  I am very sad to be leaving BA, but in light of hearing about Sandy in addition to this exciting news, I am also eager to get back to NYC and then continue on this years adventure of mine!

For more details about my time in Quito, check out my official JDC Entwine blog at :

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